
Exploring Your Toddler’s Imagination and Creativity

As your child grows and develops, you are more than likely excited about many milestones you may experience. 

First steps, first words, first favorite toy. By the time your child is 15-18 months, you’ll start to notice them using their imagination and creativity as they play.

Do As I Say…and Do...

Some of the first things you may notice are that your toddler is mimicking you or their older siblings. You know the saying, “kids are like little sponges.” This is especially true for toddlers. Because of this, you want to ensure you are modeling positive behaviors and speech around your child as, ultimately, you are their blueprint for how they should behave. 

This time can be challenging for some as you may not realize patterns you don’t enjoy in your child. More than likely, they learned it by watching you. So be careful and intentional with your speech and behaviors around your child.

Books and Television

Your toddler may have already expressed their love of a particular television show or book. However, keep in mind that those images will also be used to fuel your child’s earliest moments of imagination. They will take bits and pieces of the world as they experience it and eventually create their own world using those same or similar concepts.

Make sure you read them books that feature colorful and detailed imagery. Books featuring exciting people, places, and animals fuel your toddler’s imagination and creativity!

kids toys


Songs and music help your toddler access fantastic ideas from their minds. You may have noticed your child making up their own words to a popular tune. This is their creativity at work!

Toddlers start to understand their musicality with instruments and toys that make sounds and even start dancing. All of this is your child’s imagination and creativity at work, so be mindful that they have access to things that encourage their minds to wander.

Collaborative Play

A great way to encourage your child’s imagination is by letting them lead you in play and letting your toddler take the lead on what and how you will play sets their brains in motion. Different physical and collaborative spaces will also improve your child’s social skills as they learn to share and take turns.

copying play

CarBoard Toys is a fun way to bond with your child as you let them lead you in a world of race tracks, bridges, and even forts! There are so many different ways your child may choose to play with this simple, eco-friendly toy. You’ll enjoy the easy setup and breakdown for storage as your child continues to develop valuable skills while having fun.

Get your CarBoard toy today and watch your child’s imagination grow!