The Benefits of Family Game Night: Building Memories and Skills

Keep the Fun Going: The Benefits of Family Game Night

In this day and age, it’s easy to get wrapped up in our own individual things. We have work, errands, weekend activities, and more that can keep us busy. But when was the last time you set aside some time for your family to enjoy a night of fun together? We’re talking about family game nights! Here are just a few reasons why you should gather your family around the table for an evening of playtime.

Create Lasting Memories & Strengthen Bonds

Family game nights are an excellent way to create lasting memories and strengthen bonds with those closest to you. When we take the time to actively participate in something together, it brings us closer together. Plus, playing games creates those moments that you’ll look back on fondly—the funny stories of how one particular game went down or how your toddler kept trying to move her piece ahead before it was her turn. It may be hard at times to make room in our schedules for these special moments, but they truly pay off—now and down the road.

Build Skills & Make Learning Fun

Another great reason to spend time around the gaming table is that it can help build skills like strategy, problem-solving, counting, memory recall and more! Whether you choose card games or board games (or even both!), there are so many options out there for toddlers through adults alike. Even making up your own games can be a blast! You can also use game nights as an opportunity for teaching new concepts or reinforcing ideas already learned in school or at home. Making learning fun is key when it comes to engaging young minds!

Encourage Healthy Competition & Develop Good Sportsmanship

It’s important that kids learn how to win (and lose) gracefully from a young age—and what better way than through friendly competition? Games like chess and checkers allow children to challenge each other while also developing their critical thinking skills. As kids get older, more sophisticated games come into play—like Settlers of Catan and Risk—that encourage planning ahead and taking risks; skills that have real-world applications too! Be sure to cheer everyone on during family game night so that good sportsmanship always wins out over winning itself.


No matter what type of game your family chooses—from classic favorites like Monopoly or Life to newer offerings like Ticket To Ride or Charades—family game nights can provide hours of entertainment while also building bonds between loved ones. Not only do these get-togethers create memories that will last a lifetime but they also give us an opportunity for teaching new concepts and encouraging healthy competition among all players involved (big AND small!). So grab your favorite snacks and gather around the gaming table tonight—it’ll be worth every minute spent with your favorite people!